GAWN--CHRISP. At St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Mary Dawson, daughter of Mr and Mrs H.
D. Chrisp, 67 Harris Street, to Connell William, son of Mr
and Mrs C. Gawn, "Crosshill", Wanaka. The attendants are,
from left, Dinah Allan, cousin of the bride (chief maid),
Peter Gordon, Wanaka, brother-in-law of the groom (best
man), Mrs Judith Sherriff, John Murphy, Taranaki, Patricia
Gawn, Wanaka, sister of the groom, Eian Wilson, Oamaru,
Michelle Chrisp, Auckland, niece of the bride (junior maid),
and Donald Dobsoh, cousin of the bride. The flower-girls are
Trudy Fraser, Andree Chrisp, Auckland, niece of the bride,
and Kate Fraser. Future home, Wanaka.