Descendants of Andrew Gawn, Halftown, Co. Antrim:
Born 1777


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Mr. John Warwick Receives Only a Photograph.


The Westchester Cup, which was won by Mr. John Warwick's team of horses at the Madison Square Garden Show in New York is, apparently not to come to Ulster after all. Mr. Warwick has received a photograph of the Cup and the following letter, dated January 21, from Mr. Reginald H. Reeves, secretary of the National Horse Show. Association of America, Ltd.:—

I duly received your letter under date of December, 31st in reference to the Westchester Challenge Cup, on which you won a "leg" at the National Horse Show in November, 1930.

"I can assure you that it has been a matter of deep disappointment to me that the officers of the National Horse Show have been compelled to come to the decision which they have, and not to send you the Westchester Challenge Cup for possession thereof until the autumn of 1931; but, as pointed out in my letter to you under date of December 9th, the regulations of the U.S. Customs Department are such as to make it financially prohibitive to send this cup over

to you, unless you would be willing to assume the duties which must be paid upon, its return, which would amount to 50 per cent, of the valuation thereof, which is 750 dollars; therefore, the estimated duty would be 373 dollars, plus the cost of transportation.

"Upon receipt of your letter of December 81st I immediately took up the question of Customs regulations with Cartier, Inc., who, in turn, referred the matter to their attorneys, who are the leading Custom House lawyers in New York. I am enclosing herewith copies of the letters received from Cartier, Inc., and Curie, Lane & Wallace, the attorneys referred to.


"Mr. Bowman, president of the National Horse Show, returned to New York last night and I have taken the matter up with him. Mr. Bowman has instructed me to write you and enclose these letters, feeling sure that you will thoroughly appreciate the situation in which we I are unfortunately placed, and agree that, it would not be necessary for us to send this Cup, as it would involve such an unnecessary expense.

"Referring to the fact that the Cup was taken over by the Italian Army Team after the show of 1929, I desire to state that it was taken by them personally and was returned through diplomatic channels, care of the Italian Consul General in New York; but I was compelled to make elaborate explanations as to the history of the Cup, the conditions whereby it was sent out of this country and its return made.

"You will note in the letter of the attorneys that the Customs authorities found, upon close investigation, that this Cup was made in England, that it is stamped with the British hall-mark as well as with the phrase 'Manufactured in England.'

"Knowing what a fine sportsman you are Mr. Bowman and I both sincerely hope that you will appreciate, the unfortunate position in which we are placed, and we would take it as a graceful gesture from you if you would fully explain the conditions to the Associated Press and contradict the rather adverse attitude which was expressed in the articles, as published in the papers, in New York.

"After reading my letter and the enclosures you feel that you would care to bear the expense of the duty on return, we would, of course, send you the Cup; but we doubt very much as to whether you would think it a judicious and proper expenditure of money."


Mr. "Warwick sent the following reply on February 11: —

"Many thanks for your further letter of January 21st on the subject of the Westchester Cup. In the first place I greatly appreciate the personal trouble you have taken to ascertain whether I can be given the custody of the cup until the autumn without having to pay the heavy re-import duty of approximately £90. I am very sorry that all these difficulties—so liable to create misunderstanding— should have arisen, particularly as I had no intention of taking the cup home for display in Northern Ireland until pressed to do so by you.

"A charge of £90 by the United States Customs authorities in respect of duty on the return of the cup to your association is, however, too high a price to pay for the privilege of holding the cup for the few months that remain and I must, therefore, content, myself with the photograph which you were good enough to send me.

"I appreciate your courtesy in sending me a copy of. your attorney's report on the question of liability for customs value upon it, but, I should have thought as the cup in question is not being exported or imported in the, regular course of trade that it did not come within the articles of the Customs regulations to which your attorneys referred.

"If the legal difficulties with regard to Customs duties cannot be overcome, as they seem to have been in the case of Italy, by sending the cup , to the United States Vice-Consul in Belfast and my returning it to him, may I suggest in view of the great interest which is taken in international trophies, that the various sporting societies of the United States should take up the problem with your Customs authorities.

"I am exceedingly sorry that so much publicity has been given to this matter. The trouble is entirely due to the amazing 'red tape' character of your Customs regulations, and no one would grieve more than I should if the non-arrival of the Westchester Cup in Northern Ireland was counted as a reflection on the sportsmanship and generosity of your countrymen. May I repeat that I never experienced fairer treatment or better sportsmanship than during my recent visit to the United States.


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