John Edward (Ted) Gawn
was one of the radio operators on the New Zealand Antarctic
expeditions led by Sir Edmund Hillary in 1956/57 and
1957/58. Gawn, John Edward (Ted). (1917–1988) Radio
Polar Medal. Educated at Christian Brothers School, Dunedin,
Marist Brothers’ Tasman Street School, Wellington and
Wellington Technical College. A Merchant Navy Officer with
considerable experience as a radio operator and expert at
morse code. Served in WWII aboard the hospital ship
Maunganui on voyages to the Middle East and in the Pacific.
From 1947 to 1952 he served as radio technician with New
Zealand Broadcasting Service at Titahi Bay, Wellington, and
Opapa, Hawkes Bay. When selected for the Expedition, he was
serving on the inter-island steamer Hinemoa.
Photograph below is of those
who were part of the Antarctic expedition. Ted Gawn is
second from left in back row.
